
01. About Us

Company History

J&W Bio Security Pte Ltd is one of the leading suppliers in the region and is engaged in a wide range of Medical & Security Technologies activities that touch the most basic and far advanced aspects of the Health & Defence Sector. The founder has been in the medical & security industry for the past 8 years.

J&W Bio Security is a Pharmaceutical & Security Intelligence Distributor that supply and distribute licensed Products Medical & Security Intelligence Equipments to all institute and companies in the region.

Our company deals with high quality medical Products devices, Security Equipments, A.I bots, Intelligence Equipments and recuse devices to all government institutions and private sectors.

02. What We Do

Our Services

Our team are proven experts in the field where they can source and supply your requirements.

Supply Chain Divisions

Hospital supply of Medical Test Kit, Life Saving and Tender Medicines provided through International Manufacturers & Wholesalers

Hospital and Retail Pharmacy supplies of Medical Transport equipment and apparatus.

Biological and Security Equipment supplies

03. Our Mission & Vision

Company Values

We believe that each of us is purposefully driven to make a difference in the lives of our communities, families and each other. We are accountable stewards to all of our stakeholders.

0.4 Reach Us

Get In Touch

Let’s take your desired service from us so that you can feel independent and safe.