SD Bio Sensor

Standard M nCOV Real-Time PCR Detection Kit

STANDARD M nCoV Real-Time Detection kit is used for rapid identification and detection of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) nucleic acids in human nasopharyngeal swabs and throat swab samples. Coronavirus RNA was first transcribed into cDNA by reverse transcriptase, and then cDNA was used as a template for PCR amplification. The separation of the fluorophore and quencher makes the fluorescence signal detected by the instrument: FAM channel qualitative detection of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) ORF1ab (RdRp) gene, and JOE (VIC or HEX) channel qualitative detection of coronavirus) E gene, and CY5 channel detection internal reference.


  • ̇LightCycler 480 (Roche)/li>
  • ̇CFX96TM Dx System (Bio-Rad)
  • ̇Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR
    Instrument System (Thermo Fisher Scientific)


  • ̇Nasopharyngeal swab
  • ̇Oropharyngeal swab
  • ̇Sputum

Key Components

Components Quantity Test Dosage in each reaction
1 2019-nCoV Reaction Solution 750μl / vial x 2 14μl
2 RTase Mix 630μl / vial x 1 6μl
3 2019-nCoV Positive control 600μl / vial x 1
4 Negative control 600μl / vial x 1
5 Internal control A 525μl / vial x 1 5μl (Add with specimen)
0.5μl (Amplification directly)
6 ROX 55μl / vial x 1 0.5μl (for Applied Biosystems 7500)

Ordering Information

Cat No. Product Size
11NCO10 STANDARDM nCoV Real-Time Detection kit 96T


Fast & Easy High Sensitivity & Specificity
̇One tube reaction for identification and
detection of 2019-nCoV
̇One-step Real-Time RT-PCR
̇Provide all reagents required for PCR
̇Designed according to “WHO interim
guidance for laboratory testing for 2019
novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in humans”
̇nCoV primers/probes
ORF1ab (RdRp) gene, E gene
̇Provide Internal controls